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外国语 学院 英语语言文学专业专业研究生答辩安排(组)




研究生导师论文题目时间安排潘章仙英汉商务道歉文本的人际意义对比分析 A Contrastive Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning in English and Chinese Business Apology Texts13:30-14:00姚莉娟潘章仙主页酒店简介的语类分析 A Genre Analysis of Hotel Introduction on Homepage14:00-14:30俞腾飞朱嫣然奥巴马每周电台演讲的批评隐喻分析 A Critical Metaphor Analysis of Obama's Weekly Address 14:30-15:00陈燕娜余泽超探索性实践原则指导下职前英语教师反思能力培养的个案研究 A Case Study of Pre-service English Teachers' Reflective Ability under the Principles of Exploratory Practice15:00-15:30朱倩余泽超从及物性探究《傲慢与偏见》中的意识形态: The Exploration of Ideology in Pride and Prejudice: from the perspective of transitivity15:30-16:00答辩委员会评议及表决16:0-17:00答辩委员会主席宣布表决结果及决议17:0-17:10

外国语 学院专业




研究生导师论文题目时间安排洪岗两岸大学生汉语拒绝策略比较研究 A Comparative Study on Chinese Refusal Strategies Employed by University Students from Taiwan and Mainland China13:30-14:00胡喜喜洪岗评价理论态度系统视域下身份的话语建构研究--以为例 A Research on Discursive Identity Construction from the Perspective of Attitude in Appraisal Theory - Take Chengguan as the Case14:00-14:30朱思亲洪岗英语专业学生书面语请求策略的语用研究 A Pragmatic Study of English Written Request Strategies of English Majors14:30-15:00田金月何晓东一名职前教师在大学英语阅读教学中融入批判性识读的行动研究 Incorporating Critical Literacyinto College English Reading Teaching: a Pre-service Teacher's Action Research 15:00-15:30童小婉洪明图片隐喻的意义建构:以《纽约时报》中国相关纪实照片为例 Constructing Meaning by Pictorial Metaphor: A Case Study of China-related Documentary Photographs in New York Times 15:30-16:00答辩委员会评议及表决16:0-17:00答辩委员会主席宣布表决结果及决议17:0-17:10

外国语 学院专业





蒋玉兰词汇学习策略在高三学困生词汇复习中的运用 A Study of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Vocabulary Review for Underachievers in Senior 313:30-14:00金芳付安权基于手机阅读的非英语专业大学生阅读策略的研究 The Research of Non-English Major College Students' Reading Strategies Based onMobile Reading14:00-14:30周建礼付安权高职生对公共英语教师课堂提问期待的调查研究 A Study on Vocational College Students' Expectations of Teachers' Questioning in Public English Classes14:30-15:00吴小敏付安权

骆传伟翻转课堂教学模式在高职英语阅读教学中的应用研究 Application of Flipped Classroom Model in Vocational College English Reading Teaching15:00-15:30姚琴胡美馨高职大学英语教材"中国文化失语"现象研究:以《新编大学英语(第二版)》教材为例 A Study on "Chinese Culture Aphasia" in Vocational College English Textbook: A case study of "New College English" (Second Edition)15:30-16:00周亚英余泽超 夏建新词块在高一学生英语阅读理解中的作用 The Role of Lexical Chunks in English Reading Comprehension on the Part of Senior One Students16:00-16:30答辩委员会评议及表决16:30-17:20答辩委员会主席宣布表决结果及决议17:20-17:30外国语 学院专业




研究生导师论文题目时间安排何晓东基于图示理论的日语听力教学模式 SchemaTheory-basedTeachingModeofJapaneseListening13:30-14:00叶菱何晓东互动式教学在高职英语泛读教学中的应用 The Application of Interactive Teaching in Higher Vocational English Extensive Reading14:00-14:30张婷何晓东

夏建新戴耐德教学在高职英语听力课堂中的应用 Application of DynEd Instruction in English Listening class in Higher vocational college14:30-15:00谢桂花何晓东

应建芬 网络环境下理工科学生英语自主学习研究 A Study onScience and Engineering Students' English Autonomous Learningin the Web-Based Environment15:00-15:30郑张瑜何晓东

应建芬 电大英语阅读教学中应用情境教学的行动研究 Action Research on the Application of Situational Teaching to English Reading Teaching in the Radio and Television University15:30-16:00王芸洪明

应建芬情景教学法在高职高专商务英语课堂教学中的实证研究An Empirical Study ofthe Situational Teaching Method in Business English Teaching at Vocational College16:00-16:30答辩委员会评议及表决16:30-17:20答辩委员会主席宣布表决结果及决议17:20-17:30外国语 学院 英语语言文学专业专业研究生答辩安排(组)




研究生导师论文题目时间安排黄小苹中国英语专业学生口语输出中自我修正启动机制及其功能 the Self-repairs Initiation Devices and their Functions in Chinese English Majors' Oral Production08:00-08:30Diego Andres Marin Ceron 黄小苹腐败和败运动的建构:薄熙来案例判决的中文新闻话语分析 The Constrution of Corruption and Anti-graft Campaigns: A Discursive Approach to the Chinese News Reports on Bo Xi-Lai's Sentence 08:30-09:00官慧东胡美馨态度资源运用中的"剩女"身份认同话语建构——以《新民晚报》为个案 Discursive Construction of "Leftover Women" Identity in Attitudinal Resources Employment09:00-09:30冀雨辰胡美馨教育见习对职前英语教师学科教学知识发展的影响:一项调查研究 The Impact of Early Field Experience on pre-service English Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge Development:A Survey Study 09:30-10:00吴燕君杨坚定评价理论视角下父亲多重身份的话语建构 Discursive Construction of the Multiple Identities of Father Based on Appraisal Theory10:00-10:30答辩委员会评议及表决1:30-11:30答辩委员会主席宣布表决结果及决议11:0-11:40

外国语 学院专业





研究生导师论文题目时间安排李建军对基于"重点词汇"教学方法的批评性分析---以大学英语等级考试改革为背景 Critical Analysis of Vocabulary Teaching Based on "Key Words "Approach under the Condition of CET Reform08:00-08:30韩美娟李建军谈高中英语词汇教学中文化的导入Research on Culture Introduction in Senior High School English Vocabulary Teaching08:30-09:00潘亚南李建军

李艳利用英文报刊阅读提高高职英语专业学生阅读能力的实证研究 An Empirical Study on Improving English Majors'Reading Ability in Vocational Schools by Reading English Newspapers and Magazines09:00-09:30王婷睿罗晓杰

牟金江高中生英语非连续性文本阅读能力个案研究 A Case Study onReading Literacy of English Non-continuous Text of High School students09:30-10:00陈宜靖吴本虎

蔡晓斌基于学生需求的人教版高中英语教材分析和处理 Research on Senior English Textbook NSEC on the Basis of Needs Analysis Theory10:00-10:30苏张华吴本虎

姚国松任务型教学法在商务英语听说教学中的应用 A Study on the Application of Task-based Approach in the Teaching of Business English Listening and Speaking10:30-11:00答辩委员会评议及表决11:00-11:40答辩委员会主席宣布表决结果及决议11:40-11:50

外国语 学院专业




研究生导师论文题目时间安排张生祥交际法在初中英语语法教学中的应用 The Application of Communicative Approach in English Grammar Teaching in Junior Middle School08:00-08:30周晶晶张生祥

兰良平初中英语写作教学中教师反馈和整合反馈的对比研究 A parision between teacher feedback and integrates feedback in junior English writing 08:30-09:00金小微郑志恋对职业技术学院英语教师专业身份认同的叙事探究 A Narrative Inquiry into English Teachers' ProfessionalIdentity at Technical College09:00-09:30杨妙郑志恋关于阅读策略和初中生英语阅读能力的行动研究 An Action ResearchonReading Strategy and English Reading Ability of Junior Middle School Students 09:30-10:00黄慧唐艳芳

张亚萍在线同伴反馈在大学英语翻译教学中的应用研究 A Study of Online Peer Feedback in Translation Teaching for Non-English Majors10:00-10:30王舒晨张鑫"背诵输入" 在高职英语口语教学中的运用 The Application of Recitation Input in the Higher Vocational College's Oral English Classes10:30-11:00答辩委员会评议及表决11:00-11:40答辩委员会主席宣布表决结果及决议11:40-11:50

外国语 学院专业





研究生导师论文题目时间安排严慧仙翻转课堂在大学英语教学中的应用与研究 The application and research of flipped classroom inChinese college English teaching08:00-08:30钱征宇严慧仙项目教学法在大学商务英语课程中的应用 The Application of Project-based Learning in College Business English Class08:30-09:00蔡文霞郑志恋

贾玲华微观教育生态学视角下的高职英语合作学习研究 Study on Cooperative Learning in Vocational College English Teaching from the perspective of Micro-educational Ecology09:00-09:30金寒丹郑志恋

贾玲华多模态话语分析理论下高中英语优质课堂的个案研究 A Case Study on Senior High School English Quality Classes from the Perspective of Multimodal Discourse Analysis09:30-10:00李丕旭郑志恋

周杏莉朗读对初中学生听力水平促进作用的研究 A Study of the Positive Effects of Reading-aloud UponJunior Middle School Students'Listening Competence10:00-10:30刘媚郑志恋

竺金飞情景教学法在高职英语口语教学上的应用研究 An Empirical Study of the Situaional Teaching Method in Oral English Teaching at Vocational Colleges10:30-11:00答辩委员会评议及表决11:00-11:40答辩委员会主席宣布表决结果及决议11:40-11:50