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1. 韵律之美

韵律美是指英语的发音优美、节奏明快、富有感染力, 给人以美的听觉享受.英语句式常利用各种语音表现手段, 诸如与声音强度有关的音节、音步、停顿,与声音一致的押韵以及与语音关系密切的修辞手法如拟声、谐音等,取得美的效果.

如:Big thrills , all bills.翻译成:莫大的激动,微小的费用.

The garden was a paradise on earth,with more food and clothes the could be consumed and more money than could be spend.翻译成:花园里面是人间乐园,有吃不完大米白面,穿不完的绫罗绸缎,花不完的金银珠宝.

Red hot fashion at Rel. Sizzling styles. All these and many, many more. In a riot of colors, plain or what you fancy. You want it. We’ve got it. Revel. Who else ?翻译成:拉维尔火爆时尚, 款式新颖,所有这些以及更多,花哨的,朴素的,或您所喜欢的,您想得到它,我们拥有它,除了拉维尔,还会有谁?

2. 形象之美

汉语比较重视含蓄,而英语比较重视形式之美.形象思维是人类思维特点之一,人们喜欢具体、形象、直观的语言, 英语十分讲究语言的形象、生动性.

如:Apple Thinks Different.. 翻译成:苹果电脑,与众不同.

Memories bright as a tropical bloom, fresh asa cool sea breeze, deep as the unhurried sea. This is the Sheraton Bal Harbour Resort. Time steps to a different measure here, just for the two of you. Palm bordered beaches gently kiss the water’s edge. Sunset dance, night life sings under a star-filled sky; moonlight drips soft silver to tuck you in.This is the Sheraton Bal Harbour Resort. Where the days hesitate to end, and the memories linger forever. 翻译成:记忆明丽有如热带的花卉,清新有如凉爽的海风,深刻有如起伏的大海.为了你俩, 时间在这里放慢了脚步.棕榈树环绕的海滩轻吻浪尖,夕阳在波涛间翩翩起舞,夜之生灵在繁星密缀的天宇下歌唱;月华轻柔,流银泻玉,把你俩笼罩其中.这便是喜来登旅馆,在这里幸福时光恋恋不舍,美好记忆长萦心中.

Looking away from the grow ,I fixed my gaze on the distant mountains,where our adopted son had loved to go in search of the perfect tree.翻译成:目光移去,我瞩目远山.养子喜欢到那里去,去寻找他心中理想的树木.



如:the goverment belonging to the people, supported by the people and working for the people .翻译成:一个属于人民的、受人民支持的、为人民怎么写作的政府.

She had such a fright that she fainted.翻译成:她吓得昏了过去.

When you’re sipping Lipton , you’re sipping something special.翻译成:饮立顿红茶,品独到风味.

4. 创造之美

审美人共有的的一种心里活动,同时也是创造性的心理活动.它在感知审美对象、获得审美感受的同时,也会根据自己的审美理想, 通过想象、思维、联想等形式创造出具有特色的、传情达意的审美对象.创造、创新是美的本质.

如:There are several ways to explore the crystal clear waters of Greece. Whether from the deck of a luxury cruise ship which can carry you to many of Greece’s 2 ,500 beautiful islands; from the high -prowed bow of a traditional fishing vessel, or on your own private charted yacht. Whatever your choice, you will never fet Greece.翻译成:要探究希腊清澈透明的海水,有好几种办法:您可以站在豪华游船的甲板上眺望海水,任游船带你去游览希腊那些星云密布的美丽小岛;或登上传统垂钓小舟那高昂的船头欣赏海水,或者坐在您自己租的小艇上徜徉于海水中.但无论您选择了哪种方式,希腊都令您刻骨铭心.



如:You can’t just take the tuekey out of the freezer on Wednesday night and plop it on the counter_your guestswill get food poisoning,and you feel less than thankful when the ambulance is rushing your reching dinner party en masse to the hospital.翻译成:你不能星期三晚上才把火鸡从冰箱里拿出来,仍在厨房的台面上—你的客人会食物中毒的.当救护车把你呕吐不止的客人火速送往医院时,你就来不及感恩了.
