
更新时间:2024-03-12 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:3355 浏览:9062

摘 要 :汽车用交流发电机的输出电压大多是由发电机内置的调节器控制的.调节器的作用是检测外部电压信号,控制交流发电机的输出电压在恒定的范围内.调节器检测外部电压信号的方法,即电压取样方法归纳起来有3种方式:发电机电压取样法、蓄电池取样法、综合电压取样法.

关 键 词 :交流发电机 输出电压 电压取样法 车型应用

Abstract: Automotive alternator output voltage generated by the generator is mostly controlled by a built-in regulator. The role of the regulator is to detect the external voltage signal within the control of the alternator output voltage at a constant range. Methods to detect the external voltage regulator signal, that summed up the voltage sampling three ways: generator voltage sampling method, sampling battery, integrated voltage sampling method. Among them, the generator voltage sampling method there are two methods: DL excitation voltage diode rectifier diode DM sampling and voltage sampling method, various methods he advantages and disadvantages, there are used on a variety of models. Here, the regulator will introduce a generator voltage of my pany's sampling method for everyone, for reference.

Keywords: alternator output voltage of the voltage sampling


