
更新时间:2024-02-29 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:18278 浏览:82053

Jules:Has everything been deait with now

Marcel:Yes,the casualties he all been takenfo hospital,the electricity supply has beenrestored and traffic is now flowing normally.

Jules:What a difference from the chaos andconfusion of two hours ago.

Marcel:Yes,for a time we thought we mighthe fo call for reinforcements.but thankgoodness in the end we didn’t he to.

Jules:Well it just remains for me fo expressOur admiration for the exemplary way in whichyou dealt with a difficult and dangeroussituation.

Casualty可以指事数或战争中的伤者、死者、例如:The car crash resulted in eightcasualties.(那次车祸有八人死伤.)

Fatality 则专指事故或战争中的死者,例如:There were 174 fatalities in the planecrash.(飞机坠毁,有174人死亡.)

exemplary,可说是example的形容词,指“可作模范的”,例如:His behior as a studentis exemplary.(他的行为可作为其它学生的模范.)

此外,请留意两个时间词组:for a time、inthe end.

For a time常用来说一件事维持了一段时间,暗示其后有变,例如:For a time hehesitated,but then he made up his mind.(他最初犹豫不决,但后来立定了主意.)For a time和for some time不同:for some time是说事情经过一段颇长的时间,例如:I’ve been feelingunwell for some time.(我身体不舒服已有一段时闻.)

In the end则有“终于”的意思,表示经过某些情况之后,终于发生了一些事,等于at last或finally,例如:I worked hard,and in the end/al fest/funally gained a first-class honorsdegree.(我努力读书,终于取得一级荣誉学位.)In the end和at the end不同;al the end指事情的尽头.

(责任编辑 覃福贵)
