
更新时间:2024-02-01 作者:用户投稿原创标记本站原创 点赞:2924 浏览:8052

摘 要

钢铁企业对矿石需求量较大,对高品质的铁矿石依赖性大,而且在目前的情况下国际铁矿石持续高涨,以及运输普遍上涨,需要加强对矿石采购的研究,实施有效的管理和控制.重钢铁矿石运输主要依靠长江水路运输,因此三峡单线运行给重钢造成了很大的影响,在供应稳定性和运输保障之间存在着矛盾更加凸出.为此,企业占用了大量的准备成本,并给企业矿石存储造成极大的风险.从而本论文的研究就显得更加具有现实意义. 本文将从影响运输的多个环节展开论述,分析影响运输的原因,设计多种可行方案,找出合理方案,运用特定的经济预测模型和运筹学方法,从成本角度出发分析的实际问题,保证矿石供应的稳定,优化矿石运输路线,确定矿石的合理运输量,解决了重钢在三峡船闸单线运行期间矿石运输量的问题,同时还可以为其它的环节如煤炭运输和其他的相关企业提供借鉴.

关 键 词 : 矿石采购,预测,三峡单线运行,运输模式,运输分流

Study on the plans of Emergency Transportation Of Iron ore for Chongqing Iron and Steel Company


Iron and steel enterprises he great demand for ores, largely dependent on high quality ores, moreover the international iron ore price continues to surge upward in the present situation, as well as universal transportation price are rising, need to strengthen research on the procurement of ore for implementing effective management and control. Chongqing Iron and Steel Company Ltd (CQISC Ltd) steel transport ore rely mainly on the Yangtze waterway transportation, the Three Ges single routes movements caused a great deal of influence on CQISC Ltd stability in the supply and transportation , the existence contradiction will be more fierce. Therefore, the enterprise occupies the massive preparations costs, and the ore storage creates the enormous risk for the enterprise. Thus this paper appears has the even more practical significance.This paper will affect many areas of transport exposition, analysis of the impact on the transportation, designs many kinds of feasible plans and discovers the reasonable plan, use specific economic forecast model and operations research, from the cost point of view of analysis of the actual problem, guarantee a stable supply of ores, ores transport route optimization to determine the reasonable transport ore volume, indeed resolving CQISC Ltd ore freight volume question in the Three Ges sluice single routes movement period, meanwhile may provides the model for other partials like coal transportation and other similar enterprises.

Keywords: Ore procurement, Forecasting, The Three Ges single routes movements, Modes of transport, Transport streaming